On February 17, 1976, the Thomas E. Hartung American Legion Post 1977 New Lenox, Illinois was incorporated as a member of the American Legion.
We recognize the founding charter members listed below for their military service to America along with their commitment to the patriotic principles of the American Legion.
Over the years, Post 1977 has grown to be a proven reliable resource for area Active Duty Military and Veterans families. We are proud to be active participants in: Veterans fundraising, Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery, V.A. Veterans Home – Manteno, local patriotic parades & ceremonies, scholarships, youth sports, scouting and much more.
We welcome all active-duty military and veterans who are eligible to join the American Legion. Come join us – see tab National Resources for membership requirements. Membership applications are available at the post.
To enhance the well-being of American’s veterans, their families, our military, and our communities by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.
Clifford E. Auth John J. Bardi, Jr. Leonard A. Barnickel Leory Blake Paul Ciancanelli
Robert C. Condon Joseph R. Davies Charles Degan Daniel F. Dolak Dwight W. Egle
Edward J. Englert Aielt U. Evans Gilbert A. Gentz Ralph A. Goff William S. Hull
August L. Juricic William A. Lander Lawrence E. Lehnert Thomas J. Lemay Joseph Mason
Charles Mistakovich Charles A. Morgan, Jr. Peter Passes, Jr. Eugene E. Ryan
Alan H. Schram Terry C. Tengdin Raymond Vanham William Vanlinden
Joseph Wajchert John Williams
American Legion members are encouraged to attend monthly meetings
Schedule: Third Thursday – 7:00pm – Location: Post Banquet Hall
Commander: Anthony Zipsie, Us Navy
Senior Vice Commander: George Duckman, U.S. Army
Junior Vice Commander: Edward Leu, U.S. Army
Adjutant: Keith Formell, U.S. Air Force
Finance: Joseph Kabella, U.S Navy
Service Officer: Brandon Baldauf, U.S. Navy
Chaplain: George Zimmerman, U.S Navy
Sergeant at Arms: Bill Welch, U.S. Marines
JAG: Open
Historian: James Turnbull, U.S.